
For inspiration only. No copies or downloads without the owner's explicit consent please!


Twitter ID: @robbydesigns

Featured on: Jul 08, 2009


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Twitter Bio:

I Tweet about life as a Freelance Web Designer and martial artist aswell as life in general. Here to make friends, not follow Spammers.

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What people are saying:

  1. Robby
    July 8th, 2009 at 12:39 pm

    Hey, thanks for showing my background!
    I did it ‘minimal’ to match my website though I have done a few more creative backgrounds for other people on Twitter.
    You’ll see that I made my top part white to make the Twitter Navigation look as though it is part of my background; remember where you saw it first (:

    Thanks again.

  2. ceerhap
    August 9th, 2009 at 1:23 am

    I love it. How can I have that by not doing the template my self….


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