How To Design a Custom Holiday Background in 10 Steps
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I will use my most recent St. Patrick’s Day theme as the example. Whether you use Photoshop, Gimp, or any other graphic program to create your designs the concept is pretty much the same. Each new process is a new transparent layer.
Step 1: Determined the size of theme.
Depending on your screen resolution, most build their themes to be the size of their viewing resolution. I know, I know, they all say to use the 1024×768 size because its still the most popular resolution in use on the Internet, but that size really restricts what can be done graphically with Twitter backgrounds. 1024×768 leaves a whopping 115 pixels on the left, right and 83 on the top to play with, which is just unsatisfactory to me. I personally use 1920×1080, the resolution I view.
Step 2: Created Background Color
Simple gradient…dark green to light green.
Step 3: Add Sky
Created new image. 1/3rd the height of original. Added curve to image.
Step 4: Add Sun Burst
Done with Filters, Light & Shadows, Gradient Flare
Step 5: Add Clouds
Done with Brushes
Step 6: Add Rainbow
This part is a bit more difficult. Briefly I Used Gradient Flare again edited until desired effect.
Step 7: Add Mountain
Here I used brushes to add the land effect, then used Light-Shadows for lighting effect, then more brushes to create the trees.
Step 8: Add Photos – Leprechaun’s, Pot of Gold, etc…
Simply dropped in photos with transparent backgrounds.
Step 9: Add Text
Used “Happy” font with perspective and brushed clovers. Each word is separate with drop shadows to stand out a bit.
Step 10: Add Bling!
Added all kinds of flowers, grasses, clovers, stars, glitter, etc. to produce final result.
Final tweaking of the image complete. Upload into Twitter by going to settings, design, change background image, browse for file, click open , click save changes. You can also alter the background, sidebar, text and link colors to match. You may download this free theme at CustomTwit.com. It is currently the “Featured Theme”. Click the thumbnail to download the full version. To download full version, simply right mouse the image, click “save as”, give the image a name and store on your hard drive. Then login to Twitter and upload the image without “tile” checked. Enjoy!
Brian Hanson, is the owner of CustomTwit.com. CustomTwit.com will custom design a branded Twitter background theme quickly and professionally. CustomTwit.com is known well for their quality designs, reliability and excellent customer service. CustomTwit.com offers free themes, simple themes or full blown custom branded themes. Custom themes are normally done in 1-3 hours.
You can follow Brian at CustomTwit.com on Twitter by following @nationwideclass or @customtwit. You can also Skype Brian at: nationwideclassifieds
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