
For inspiration only. No copies or downloads without the owner's explicit consent please!


Twitter ID: @nicholaspatten

Featured on: Jan 05, 2009


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Twitter Bio:

Video editor – Graphic/Web designer – nicholaspatten.posterous.com (I’m a mac)

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2 Trackbacks For This Post

  1. TwitterBackgroundsGallery - @Nicholaspatten nicholaspatten.com

    [...] few days ago, (Jan 5th, 2009), my background for my twitter page was posted here in the abstract category.Here is a screen-capture of it and the abstract page. I just wanted to say [...]

  2. @TidyCat featured on Twitter Backgrounds Gallery

    [...] in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas. (background by @nicholaspatten) Share and [...]

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